The easywrap compression system for upper limb comes in two seperate parts (ARM and HAND) that can be used separately or in combination. Easywrap garments consist of overlapping, single-layer textile bands which are secured by fasteners that are easy to attach and are engineered to be conforming and low profile. Its a simple and effective alternative to sleeves and gloves.
The mechanically limited stretch of the bands gives them an easy to feel “lock-out” or “end stretch” this makes them easy to apply at the correct tension so that you can be confident that you’re getting the correct level of compression every time. It's low profile design means that it can be worn comfortably under most everyday clothing.
The mechanically limited stretch of the bands gives them an easy to feel “lock-out” or “end stretch” this makes them easy to apply at the correct tension so that you can be confident that you’re getting the correct level of compression every time. It's low profile design means that it can be worn comfortably under most everyday clothing.
- easywrap’s low profile design means that it can be worn comfortably under most every day clothing and footwear.
- Easy to feel "end stretch" point makes bands easy to apply at the correct tension
- Adapts to limb reduction
Instructions For Use: Download
Selecting the right size for your compression garment is very important.
- All measurements in centimeters (cm)
- Please take measurements on a bare leg/arm
- For circumference measurements ensure that the tape measure is snug but not too tight
1. Find your arm size

2. Find your arm length

This garment may not be suitable if you suffer from any of the conditions listed below. If in any doubt we recommend consulting with a medical professional as LymphShop does not take any liability in selling this garment to you.
Absolute Contraindications
Not to be used in cases of: advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease; decompensated heart disease; uncontrolled congestive heart failure; untreated septic phlebitis; phlegmasia coerulea dolens. Known allergy to any of the material used in the garments.Relative Contraindications
Occasionally can lead to problems in cases of: Immobility (confinement to bed); skin infections; support dermatosese; weeping dermatoses; incompatibility to fabric; impaired sensitivity of the limb (e.g. in diabetes mellitus); suppurating dermatoses; primarily chronic polyarthritis; advanced peripheral neuropathy; primary chronic arthritis. Allergic or allergic type responses to fabric.Materials
Materials: Polyamide and Elastane
For garments in normal use the period of guarantee is 6 months. The guarantee does not cover normal wear and tear, misuse or improper care. easywrap products should not be used beyond the expiration date printed on the outside of the package. Store your compression garment at room temperature and protect it from direct exposure to sunlight, heat and moisture. When not in use easywrap should be stored with the fasteners closed. At the end of their life garments can be disposed of as household waste.